My Services

1 hour presentation
An understanding and overview of what self esteem means to you individually or as a group.
$ 50 per person: minimum 10 people
4 hour presentation
Identification of how everything fits together. The evolvement, stresses, releases and results.
$100 per person: minimum 10 people
8 hour presentation
All of the above plus an action plan to begin the journey of self awareness. The action plan and taking action is the most important part for success.
$ 250.00 per person: minimum 10 people
Expenses are not included.
Reservation and payment will be made no later than two weeks in advance of the presentation.
Who Do I Serve?
Everyone…it is that simple…
Everyone has to help themselves first (as we have always been told). You cannot give if you have no reserves in your emotional, spiritual, financial bank to keep you afloat. If you are a giver…maybe you have given all you have to others and left nothing for yourself. And yet, you keep giving until you drop in tears from exhaustion . Or maybe you are a taker and you have siphoned the life out of others. You bounce from one person to the next looking for the elixir that will fix your life. The goal is to find the balance that keeps your own personal energy bright and fresh.